WiFi Bot Control has 2 may web components:

** This page is outdated.  Update coming.


There’s  the IP Camera Viewer that you see on the main screen to the left, and then there’s a Web Component that is a background service that processes the joystick and command buttons.  The Web Component is not visible and has nothing to do with the IP Camera Ciewer, so don’t get them confused – they are completely separate.

IP Cam Viewer – Use the Settings to setup a pointer to your IP Camera.  Once this is done, you should see the video stream in the viewer.  The Cam URL button (shown bottom left in picture below) simply refreshes the Camera URL.  

The Web Component sends commands to the robot.   This value is set in the Settings, and the rest of it is constructed to make a complete URL (see above for samples).  When moving the joystick or sending commands, the values are parsed into the URL string and a background call is made to the Web Component.  You can view real-time update of this by going into Settings and checking the option (“Debug….”) to view the URL as its being created and sent.  It will appear at the top.  If there is a problem with the URL, the Response Code value (shown at the bottom – pic below) will update with an error code (usually 1101).  Clicking the [view] link will pop up a message showing you the last URL that was sent. Note – you should expect to see 0’s in X and Y values as the joystick always moves back to zero.  If you are experiencing errors and you have verified that your devices is connected, check your URL carefully.  You may even want to re-create the same URL on your PC browser to test it to ensure it is correct. It’s most likely that something is wrong with the core URL part you set in Settings.

The Connection Status button at the top (pic below) is simply to test your Internet connection.  It tries to connect to www.google.com.  If it fails, there will be an error in the Response Code section at the bottom that you can view. If this is failing, its most likely your WiFi connection is down.  Also note that clicking this button will not load www.google.com into the IP Cam viewer as this is configured to point to the URL you defined for your IP Camera. It a completely separate component.  Note, if it fails the first time, give it a few more tries as sometimes it has a brain fart.

URL and Cam Responses

Posted in: WiFi Bot Control - FAQ